Monday, 28 December 2009

Where it all Started

These are the first ever good photographs that I ever took, back in the days of "Digiscoping" When I used my Opticron scope and Nikon Coolpix. The Tree Sparrow is still one of my favourite photographs even though its a bit noisy. The Stonechat chick was taken at Marazion Marsh and the White-billed Diver was taken at Hayle estuary where it wintered in 2007.

Friday, 18 December 2009

Veolia Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2009

These pictures got to the Final round of judging in International Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2009, but unfortunately no further. Getting highly commended or possibly further is one of my personal aims and is one I would love to achieve, but I feel there is along way to go yet. The Rock Pipit was fly catching at Jubilee Pool and the Snowy Owl was taken in February at Zennor. The snowy owl was probably one of the best birds I have ever scene and we were incredible lucky to stumble across when walking back to the car. It was quite happy to sit around about 60 yards away for an hour or so. Brilliant!!

Some More Oldies

Lookin through my old files for my 2010 entries for Veolia Wildlife Photographer of the Year and came across these pics which I quite like. The shelducks were taken June this year along with the the Kittiwake (I was try out some different picture styles with that one). The Yellowhammer was taken near Minions.

Bluethroat Land's End 2008

Just broken up for christmas so I thaught I would upload some old photos. This bluethroat was showing extreamly well last year at Land's End and at times was so close that my lens couldn't focus on it. Canon 400d and 300mf4 + 1.4x converter at f5.6 the last shot was at iso 800 so is a bit noisy.

Monday, 2 November 2009

BWP Awards 2009

Here are the pictures I entered into the British Wildlife Photography Awards. These photos made it through to the Finals, but I don't know exactly which ones. My personal favourite is the Dipper.

Friday, 10 July 2009

Broad-bodied Chaser

This picture of a Broad-bodied Chaser is one of my first ever pictures and is still one of my favourites. It was taken on holiday to France. The background of this picture is the water which is in shadow giving the photo a nice clean background.

Squabbling Kittiwakes

This shot was taken on the south coast of Cornwall, near the Lizard. Canon 400d and 300mmf4 + 1.4 x converter

Kestrel at Hell's Mouth

Razorbills on nesting ledge

Flushed Moorhen

I took this image at Tehidy country park last summer. I used a Canon 400d with a 300mm f4 lens at f5.6 handheld.


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